After selecting and viewing the products you are interested in, add them to your cart. For a quick preview of your basket or to complete the order, select the basket icon (top right of the screen, next to the main horizontal menu). In the vertical preview column of the basket which is unfolding on the right side of the screen, you can switch to full basket view through the “view cart” button or to proceed to the completion of the order through the “checkout” button. On the order “checkout” page you have the option to complete your order either as a guest by filling in the required fields or if you have an account simply by filling in your email address and password. Then, fill in the shipping details and billing information as you will be asked for and select the payment method you want by choosing the field that appears next to each payment method. Accept the terms of use and complete your order by selecting the “COMPLETE ORDER” button which is displayed. Once the order is completed successfully, a message appears on the screen that inform about the order code and the email address where a preview of the order will be sent.